Tweens Teens & TwentiesStudy Stresses Importance of Teen Connectednessgoodlifefamilyadmin10/10/202410/10/2024 by goodlifefamilyadmin10/10/202410/10/20240109by Cheryl Maguire Do you feel connected to your teen? My teens are always wearing noise-canceling headphones, which makes it a struggle just to communicate.
Tweens Teens & TwentiesRaising Happy Teens: Tips for Parentsgoodlifefamilyadmin03/17/202203/17/2022 by goodlifefamilyadmin03/17/202203/17/202201252By Tanni Haas, Ph.D. | Contributor To parents of teens, the title of this article may seem surprising. Teens and happiness? What could that possibly
Advice & Features ArticlesFinding the Right Kind of Balancegoodlifefamilyadmin06/25/2017 by goodlifefamilyadmin06/25/201701949 by Dr. Susan Sugerman | Contributor We live in a fairly privileged, relatively low-stress time in history, at least in terms of our day-to-day
Advice & Features ArticlesFinding the Right Kind of Balancegoodlifefamilyadmin05/19/2016 by goodlifefamilyadmin05/19/201601920 by Dr. Susan Sugerman | Contributor We live in a fairly privileged, relatively low-stress time in history, at least in terms of our day-to-day