Tweens Teens & TwentiesWhat To Do When Your Kids Have a Crushgoodlifefamilyadmin11/06/202411/06/2024 by goodlifefamilyadmin11/06/202411/06/20240136By Tanni Haas, Ph.D. Whether your kids are continuing in their current school or are moving to a new school, it’s very likely that they’ll
Tweens Teens & TwentiesUnderstanding Your Kids’ Learning Stylesgoodlifefamilyadmin10/16/202410/16/2024 by goodlifefamilyadmin10/16/202410/16/20240161By Tanni Haas, Ph.D. With kids back in school, one of your priorities as a parent is to help them with their homework. But how
Tweens Teens & TwentiesTips for Helping Teens Manage Stressgoodlifefamilyadmin03/30/202203/30/2022 by goodlifefamilyadmin03/30/202203/30/202201098By Tanni Haas, Ph.D. | Contributor Being a teen is stressful. Teens are expected to do well in school and to fit in with friends.
Articles Tweens Teens & TwentiesHelping Teens Develop Close Friendships: Tips for Parentsgoodlifefamilyadmin03/24/202203/24/2022 by goodlifefamilyadmin03/24/202203/24/202201368By Tanni Haas, Ph.D. Few things are as important to teens’ emotional development and maturity as having friends that they can rely on and confide
Tweens Teens & TwentiesHelping Teens Through Relationship Breakups: Tips for Parentsgoodlifefamilyadmin03/10/2022 by goodlifefamilyadmin03/10/202201249Tanni Haas, Ph.D. Teen relationships can be fickle: one day they can’t get enough of each other; the next day the exact opposite is the