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Junior League of Dallas Announces 25 Non-profit Agencies and 11 Signature Programs to be Supported Through Its 2024-2025 Community Program

Pictured above (l-r): JLD Development VP Heather McNamara, JLD Signature Projects VP Emily Ronck, JLD Administrative VP Jennifer Welden, and JLD President-elect Tandra Allen 

By Mary Thompson Charlebois | Contributor 

New Friends New Life Chief Development Officer Priya Murphy and JLD President Christina Eubanks

The Junior League of Dallas (JLD) and presenting sponsor, Bank of Texas, held its annual Community Grant Presentation on Thursday, February 22, 2024, at JLD Headquarters. Bank of Texas and JLD representatives awarded grants to each of the 25 nonprofit agencies in attendance, which are supported by the Junior League of Dallas’ 2024-2025 Community Program. The Community Program provides financial funding, as well as trained Junior League volunteer support, to the select nonprofit agencies.For the 2024-2025 year, JLD will provide more than 700 volunteers serving 100,000 hours in our community and nearly $1,000,000 in funding to these 25 nonprofits and 11 signature projects.

The Junior League of Dallas undertakes a thorough process vetting and determining grant recipients. The Research and Development team is made up of R&D chair Caitlyn Royal and Community Vice President Laura Gazette. These women, along with more than 50 additional JLD members, put in countless hours and thoughtful deliberation throughout the process. Each of the recipient agencies falls into one of the JLD’s three “Impact Areas” including: Education & The Arts, Health & Wellness and Strengthening Families. 

The Junior League of Dallas strives to make an impact in the community by working with incredible and diverse agencies every year.

Christina N. Eubanks, Junior League of Dallas President
Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center President and CEO Irish Burch and Chief Advancement Officer Katie Sperry

2024-2025 Grant recipients include: Baylor Scott & White Dallas Foundation, Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, Children’s Health, Community Partners of Dallas, Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity, Dallas CASA, Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center, Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas Zoo, Equest, Genesis Women’s Shelter & Support, Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas, Literacy Achieves, Methodist Health System Foundation, New Friends New Life, North Texas Food Bank, Our Friends Place, Rays of Light, Ronald McDonald House of Dallas, Scottish Rite for Children, The Dallas Arboretum, The Family Place, The George W. Bush Presidential Center and The Senior Source.

New Friends New Life Chief Executive Officer Bianca Davis and Equest Director of Volunteer Services Ellie Grant

The 11 Signature Projects were created or implemented by the JLD to address critical, unmet needs within our community.  These programs are unique to the JLD and are managed using its volunteers and donor supported resources. This year’s Signature Projects include: Community Outreach, Grants for Innovative Teaching (GFIT), sponsored by Texas Instruments; WomenLEAD; Musical Outreach; Dallas Mayor’s Back to School Fair; Park Improvement Project; Kids in the Kitchen (KITK), sponsored by UnitedHealthCare; Juanita Craft Civil Rights House; Artful Awakenings at Juliette Fowler; Girls’ Night Out at St. Phillip’s School and Community Center; and CollegiateSTEPS at Boys and Girls Club of Greater Dallas.

Brandi Garrett, JLD Administrative VP Jennifer Welden, and Lindsay Davis

“The Junior League of Dallas strives to make an impact in the community by working with incredible and diverse agencies every year. Each of these nonprofits are helping to better our city and the people in it. We are proud to be able to continue providing assistance to these agencies so they can continue to serve their missions – whether that is to provide access to education, food, healthcare, culture or safety to everyone in the city of Dallas,” said Christina N. Eubanks, Junior League of Dallas President.


The Junior League of Dallas cultivates women leaders who collectively address the critical needs of the community. Founded in 1922, JLD is one of the largest Junior Leagues in the world, as well as the largest and oldest training organization for women in Dallas. Active members range in age from 22 to 49 with approximately 85% percent of women employed outside of the home. The JLD provides leadership opportunities to nearly 4,000 women each year through more than 17,000 cumulative hours of experiential and formal training. Uniquely member-run, JLD provides approximately 100,000 hours in volunteer service and more than $1 million in funding to area nonprofits each year. For more information, please visit www.jldallas.org.

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