DFW News Articles

Watch GFC Grow! Greene Family Camp Construction Update

The incredible year of building and renovation at GFC started with a LOT of rain and nasty weather, but the skies have cleared and work on many of the buildings is proceeding at a furious pace. Here’s just a taste of what to expect this summer, if not sooner!

The Jordan and Jayden Goldberg Performing and Computer Arts Center This long-awaited project is finally taking shape! The plumbing is in the ground, the foundation has been poured, and the beams that frame the building have been set. As construction continues, the production of curtains, lighting, sound, and video systems are being finalized, which will bring the new facility to life. This will allow for Shabbats on Saturday morning to be spent in a comfortable, air conditioned space. None of this would be possible without Wayne and Jennifer Goldberg, whose vision and tremendous generosity made the project a reality. Additionally, this wouldn’t be possible without the support of Peggy and Mark Zilbermann, and Randy Markey, as well as Sherry and Gerald Merfish, and Lori and Jon Karp. 

Cabin Renovation
For the first time ever, six of the camper cabins are receiving a major facelift!  Beginning with Cabin A, each cabin will receive new exterior walls, energy efficient blown-in insulation, new windows, built-in cubbies within “punch outs” so they take up less floor space, and a brand-new color scheme. Rails were added on the outside of the cabins specifically for hanging wet towels and clothing to dry. One cabin is completed and the next five have begun renovations, which will be complete just in time for Opening Day. 

The renovations would not be possible without the steadfast support of the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, as well as Peggy and Mark Zilbermann, and Alisa and Jason Makler. 

The Rabbi Jake and Dr. Ellen Jackofsky Faculty Center
The faculty and staff housing will get a new look thanks to the generosity of one of GFC’s oldest and dearest friends, Dr. Ellen Jackofsky! With Ellen’s support, the motels will undergo an exterior renovation and add on a few new rooms. The Beit Aish, or Fireplace Lounge, is also being reimagined, reconstructed, and expanded. And on top of that, an exciting addition will become the new home of Camp Kattan for the youngest campers who attend with their faculty-parents, allowing GFC to also provide them with an exciting, camp-like experience during their visit. Ellen provided this gift in memory of her husband, Rabbi Lawrence “Jake” Jackofsky, Greene’s first camp director. Additional love and support was provided by the Shirley and David Toomim Family Foundation, which helped make the new child care center a reality. 

The Paddy and Barry Epstein STEAM Center
Originally known as Beit Omanut, or the Fishbowl, longtime friends of GFC, Paddy and Barry Epstein, envisioned a home for one of the camp’s most popular activities and now it has one! The newly renovated Epstein STEAM Center will undergo a complete interior renovation and receive new equipment needed to make this program even better. Graham Gadd, a.k.a The Science Dad, is going to create tons of fun for campers and Paddy and Barry are set to launch the summer’s first rockets!

Meet Jason Mesches, GFC’s in-residence artist, and experience everything that camp has to offer this summer at A Taste of GFC, an open house for new and prospective families on Sunday, February 24th from noon to 4:30 PM.   

Click here to sign up! 

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