Features Articles

Sunny Side Up

I am an optimist, a happy person, a “glass half full” kind of gal! My father says I was born with a smile on my face. Don’t get the impression that my life has been easy.  Au contraire.  I’ve seen my fair share of downs.  But without the valleys, the view wouldn’t be as beautiful from the peaks.

My optimistic attitude has played an important role throughout my life.  As a kid growing up through parental divorces, multiple moves and economic challenges, and throughout my personal and professional journey into adulthood, optimism has propelled me. And it’s playing a vital role in my work as the Publisher of GLF. It gives me the “oomph” to forge on, knowing that what we are doing is important, purposeful.

In my 20’s, I started an advertising and PR agency on McKinney Avenue with one computer and an intern. Despite being told by many that I was being overly optimistic, the agency grew, and I had never been happier professionally.  I was finally in control of my career and working alongside colleagues and clients I admired and respected.

Later, I sold the agency to focus on my family, and again, I had never been happier. While my husband and his brothers built their family business, Starpower, from the ground up, I was a home-based mom, gladly trading client lunches at The Crescent for family fun at Chuck E. Cheese’s and my Board of Directors seats for PTA volunteer tasks. Life was good. Very good.

Then came middle school. Navigating the twists and turns of tweens and teens was a road less travelled. I noticed parents (myself included) making choices based on emotions rather than facts.  The support of other moms sharing issues in playgroup had withered as family schedules became more hectic and teen issues became more complex. It suddenly felt like no one was talking. But, it seemed we had more than ever to talk about.

That’s when Good Life Family was born to an office-less optimist whose mission statement primarily stated, “Make a difference.” Yes, launching a magazine in Dallas took a big dose of optimism (and a ton of support from my husband and three teenaged kids), but now, as we set sail into our third year, we have gathered an impressive team and a healthy following, and we have grown from our adolescence into a fine young publication.  Our pages are filled with content meant to educate and inspire. We are opening the doors of communication by sourcing experts in their respective fields and reigniting the conversation that impacts families in our communities.

We work long hours, poring over every detail because we want to be the go-to resource in your journey, whatever that may be.  We want to hear from you, learn from you and laugh with you.

I am optimistic about the future. But you already knew that.


Live.Learn. Laugh. (Smile). Repeat.

“What day is it?” asked Pooh.

“It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.

“My favorite day,” said Pooh.

– A.A. Milne 

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