Recipes Articles

Cool Me Down Summer Recipes


By Bobbie Ames | Food & Entertainment Editor


Capers Signature Marinated Summer Salad


2 English cucumbers, seeds removed and diced

2 boxes (13.4 ounce) garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed

1/2 head of purple cauliflower, shredded

1/2 head of purple cabbage, cut into short strips

2 Tbsp fresh parsley

2 Tbsp fresh cilantro

1 Tbsp fresh basil

3 Tbsp pistachio oil

Juice from 2 lemons

Salt and black pepper to taste

1/2 tsp red chili flakes

5 Tbsp roasted pistachios, shelled



Combine the first seven ingredients in a large bowl and gently toss.

Combine the liquid ingredients and spices in another bowl and whisk to incorporate.

Add the dressing to the large bowl and toss.

Store this marinated salad in a covered glass container.



Pistachios• For serving at home, individually portion the salad among plates and top with pistachios.


Grilled-Shrimp• For those looking for a little more protein with their salad, marinate shrimp or steak in a little of the dressing you made for the salad,

and quickly seer the shrimp or steak in a hot pan on the stove.  Put meat on skewers and serve on top of the salad.

• This marinated salad travels really well; take it on your floating picnic! See our story, Beyond the Dock!

QuinoaSpoon• Add quinoa, rice or other grains to make an even heartier salad for your vegetarian friends.




Easier than ice cream, more exotic than a slushy—the granita!

Orange-GranitaGranita is a frozen Italian concoction that can be served as a dessert or as a delicious, refreshing beverage.

It is simply a combination of fruit juices and sugar that is popped into the freezer and occasionally scraped with a fork to form crystals.


3 cups of any combination of fruit

Juice from one lemon

½ Tsp freshly ground pepper

3 Tbsp water

2 cups of sugar


Combine all of the above ingredients in a saucepan on the stove.

Bring fruit mix to a slow simmer; continue to simmer for 5-7 minutes until all the fruits have broken down.

Place mixture in a glass baking dish and allow to cool.

Cover mixture and place in your freezer for 24 hours.

Periodically take the mixture out and scrape along the surface with a fork to form ice crystals.


• Spoon into martini glasses and garnish with a dollop of fresh whipped cream, mint and a piece of fresh fruit.

• Spoon into martini glasses and pour a shot of very cold Deep Eddy Lemon over the top for a delicious, refreshing cocktail.

• Spoon into a short glass and add an equal amount of tonic water—the under-21 version of above.

And a little something to celebrate the summer—Flower Pops!



Using a small and a large flower-shaped cookie cutter, make shapes from thinly sliced watermelon and pineapple slices.  Alternate the middle of each flower with a different fruit.  Secure on popsicle sticks.  Refrigerate before serving.

Looking for a cute way to serve these flower pops?  Cut the top off of a watermelon and place it on a plate using blueberries to keep it from sliding.  Insert flower pops into the watermelon “pot” and add mint leaves or basil leaves.

Summer Fun Idea: Call Capers to host a culinary adventure at home! 

cooksandcapers.com  | 214.912.0475

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