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School Board Recognizes Toyota for $1,000,000 Donation to Academy Programs

The Plano ISD Board of Trustees on May 19 recognized Toyota for its generous contribution of $1,000,000 to the Academy Programs of Plano through the Plano ISD Education Foundation.

Karla Oliver, Plano ISD assistant superintendent for government, community and planning initiatives, introduced the recognition at the school board meeting.

“On behalf of the Plano ISD Education Foundation and the Academy Programs of Plano, I am delighted to introduce our new corporate sponsor whose generous financial contribution will help to support innovative learning opportunities at our Academy Programs of Plano,” said Ms. Oliver. “These programs allow Plano ISD to serve an even greater variety of student interests and needs. Understanding the need to be progressive and innovative in our financial management, while continuing to serve as good stewards of taxpayer dollars, the district is committed to having the Academy Programs of Plano thrive as a result of corporate and community giving through the Plano ISD Education Foundation.”

Ms. Oliver Introduced two guests from Toyota North America: Javier Moreno, manager of external affairs and communications for Toyota Motor North America, Inc. in Plano, and Michael Rouse, vice president of diversity, philanthropy and community affairs and president, Toyota U.S.A. Foundation for Toyota Motor Sales (TMS), U.S.A., Inc.

Michael Rouse, vice president of diversity, philanthropy and community affairs and president, Toyota U.S.A. Foundation for Toyota Motor Sales (TMS), U.S.A., Inc., told the school board and audience, "We look forward to many years of partnership with you."
Michael Rouse, vice president of diversity, philanthropy and community affairs and president, Toyota U.S.A. Foundation for Toyota Motor Sales (TMS), U.S.A., Inc., told the school board and audience, “We look forward to many years of partnership with you.”

“This contribution comes from the heart. We have never made a contribution this large to one campus, so this is unprecedented for us. It is a step of good faith that represents what will be a long and fruitful relationship,” stated Mr. Rouse, who explained that the Toyota foundation’s focus is on STEM education. “You’ve got a lot of students who are into the engineering aspect. This partnership represents opportunities for our team leaders to get involved with the school. Some of our engineers will be here working with students on robotics and other engineering products. They love that stuff.”

“Where you are with your Academy High School is right on the edge, right where we need to be in a leadership position to help our nation meet the need for the revolution that’s taking place,” continued Mr. Rouse. “The energy revolution is taking place here in Texas. That’s fueling manufacturing which is fueling the need for engineers. Right here in Plano, which will be our new home, you are leading the way. So, we are proud to be a partner. I think it’s going to be a match made in heaven. and we’re looking forward to watching this grow. We look forward to many years of partnership with you.”

Pictured prior to the school board meeting are Javier Moreno, Toyota; Trustees Carrolyn Moebius, Tammy Richards and Nancy Humphrey; Michael Rouse, Toyota; Trustees Missy Bender, Marilyn Hinton and David Stolle.
Pictured prior to the school board meeting are Javier Moreno, Toyota; Trustees Carrolyn Moebius, Tammy Richards and Nancy Humphrey; Michael Rouse, Toyota; Trustees Missy Bender, Marilyn Hinton and David Stolle.

Javier Moreno showed trustees the video “Hello, Texas” showcasing the company’s announcement of its contribution to the Academy Programs of Plano. In the video, Jim Lentz, CEO for Toyota North America, states, “There’s no question that bringing our corporate headquarters together in one place will create exciting new opportunities for our associates.”

Toyota's Javier Moreno and Michael Rouse toured the Plano ISD Academy High School following the school board recognition. They are pictured with third year learner Colin McMahn, president of the National Honor Society and member of the school's Spartan club, a group of students who do physical training, post colors daily and conduct practice drills and marching routines.
Toyota’s Javier Moreno and Michael Rouse toured the Plano ISD Academy High School following the school board recognition. They are pictured with third year learner Colin McMahn, president of the National Honor Society and member of the school’s Spartan club, a group of students who do physical training, post colors daily and conduct practice drills and marching routines.


Pictured above: Harvey Fishero, Plano ISD Education Foundation president; Karla Oliver, assistant superintendent for government, community and planning initiatives; Plano ISD Education Foundation’s Rebecca Egelston Caso, immediate past-president, and Jeanine Alpert, executive director; Lynn Ojeda, Plano ISD Academy High School principal; Toyota’s Michael Rouse, vice president of diversity, philanthropy and community affairs and foundation president; and Javier Moreno, manager of external affairs and communications; and Marta Lilly, Plano ISD Education Foundation administrative assistant. 

See the original article at www.pisd.edu/news/archive/2014-15/toyota.recognition.shtml


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