Advice & Features Articles Features Good Health Good To Know TechnologyThe Battle Of The Blue: How Blue Lights From Digital Devices Interferes With Your Teen’s Sleepgoodlifefamilyadmin01/05/201501/30/2015 by goodlifefamilyadmin01/05/201501/30/201502025The pervasive glow of electronic devices may be an impediment to a good night’s sleep. As lamps switch off in teens’ bedrooms across America, the lights
Advice & Features Articles Features Technology Tweens Teens & TwentiesLosing Your Connection. Is Technology Shattering the Modern Family?Sheryl Pidgeon01/01/201501/11/2015 by Sheryl Pidgeon01/01/201501/11/201503599Can you hear me now? How technology makes it harder for families to get a good connection Chances are when you were growing up, dinner