A Great Book Club Experience and a Toast to Friendship
by Deb Silverthorn
The glass needn’t be half-full or half-empty, simply refillable. With the September 13th publication of Craig and Kathryn Hall’s A Perfect Score: The Art, Soul, and Business of a 21st-Century Winery, you’ll have your heart refilled with the love story of two people who made their dreams come true. The Halls own HALL Wines and WALT wines, working alongside their children. They are excited to be returning to Dallas to share this book about love – their love, and the love of working relentlessly toward a vision and then seeing it pour forth freely, and literally.

“Most mornings when I wake up in our home on the Sacrashe Vineyard, I reflect on how lucky I am to be living this life with Craig, growing grapes as my parents did, and making and sharing wine with wonderful people,” says Kathryn who has enjoyed her life to its fullest, walking vineyards for 42 years, as well as living a successful professional life as a businesswoman, lawyer, community activist, and United States Ambassador to Austria. “I just can’t refer to this as work. This is living a dream.”
Readers – whether gathered in books clubs or sitting in the privacy of their own porch will be partnering a great read with a great glass of Hall wines and toasting the tale of this couple. The pair first met as Kathryn was running for mayor of Dallas when Craig called her to discuss her campaign; the whole non-fictional account of their lives reads like a classic Danielle Steele novel. You will feel yourself touring their vineyards, feeling their love, dedication, and support of each other’s strengths – those strengths coming together to create their love, life, and their perfectly-scored liquid work.

“We know that a lot of the results we’ve gotten – including winding up with such all-star winemakers – are due to luck,” said Craig, whose reputation is proven as an entrepreneur, five-time author, civic leader, and the philanthropist, chairman and founder of the Dallas-based HALL Group. “We also know that if you keep trying new things and keep high standards, you put yourself in a position to get lucky.”
A Perfect Score follows the Halls though more than 20 years together; their highs, including two 100 point scores given by Robert Parker for their 2013 Rainin Vineyard Cabernet and their 2010 Exzellenz and over 140 HALL wines rated 90 points and above; and the lows, including a massive vineyard fire that destroyed much of their early hopes. Together, the Halls have stayed strong through adversity and continued enjoying the views from the Napa Valley.
The Hall’s book tour launches and closes in Dallas with area stops for conversation and autograph signings on September 12, 13, 14, October 10 and 27, and November 16.
HALL wine club memberships are available on the website, along with an opportunity to purchase the wines, visit the winery, and much more. Visit hallwines.com.
Books will be shipped after the September release date but are open to pre-orders at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books-A-Million, iTunes, Indibound, the Hachetter Book Group companies and at hallwines.com/a-perfect-score.