DFW News Articles

2016 SWJC Awards Recipients

Join us on Wednesday, October 26, for the Southwest Jewish Conference’s 2016 Awards. Emceed by Sylvia Komatsu, KERA, and John McCaa, WFAA News Anchor, this event will recognize the men and women who are spirited in the pursuit of positive social change and who have made an impact on their communities.

DATE: Wednesday, October 26

TIME: 6:00 – 8:30 PM

PLACE: Eddie Deen’s Ranch, 944 S. Lamar, Dallas, 75202

TICKETS:  https://www.swjc.org/2016-rsvp-form.html

For sponsorship information or to nominate a candidate contact Susan Myers: susan@swjc.org, 214-361-0018 office, www.swjc.org.


Audrey Kaplan Inspiring Women of the Southwest Award

The Inspiring Women of the Southwest Award is bestowed upon five women from diverse disciplines and backgrounds. These inspiring women continually advocate for inclusiveness in our society.

Recipients of the Audrey Kaplan Inspiring Women of the Southwest Award include

swjc-friedman-picBarbara Friedman, a retired educator who continues to offer her expertise by volunteering at the Dallas Museum of Art and the Vogel Alcove.



swjc-vanita-headshot-cropVanita Halliburton, the Founder and CEO of The Grant Halliburton Foundation which provides education and resources on mental health for teens and young adults.



Ann Kahn, a businesswoman, philanthropist, past president of the Dallas Hebrew Free Loan Association, and community volunteer.



swjc-tammy-leeTammy Nguyen Lee, the founder of Against The Grain Productions, Inc. which provides scholarships for future Asian American Artists and also provides food, clothing, medical supplies, cultural and recreational needs, and bicycles to the orphanages and children they support.

swjc-rorrie_judy-croppedJudy Rorrie, the Executive Director North Dallas Shared Ministries providing community services to the community as a volunteer.




Stan Golden Men of Action Award

This award recognizes five men from diverse disciplines and backgrounds who have distinguished themselves in the pursuit of positive social change and who are both role model and trailblazers for positive social change.

Recipients of the Stan Golden Men of Action Award include

Terry Flowers, the Executive Director and Headmaster of St. Philips School and Community Center who assists in providing a wealth of social service and community development activities which are crucial to the revitalization of the neighborhood and the support of its residents.


swjc-goldstein-3Larry Goldstein, the former restaurateur and current owner of Catering by Larry generously gives back to the community using his expertise in the food service industry.



swjc-goyal-1Madan Goyal, a businessman volunteering with DISD, ACLU, Dallas Peace Center, and Thanks-Giving Square on issues of interfaith and multi-faith relations.



Rodney T. Stapp, (of blessed memory) a member of the Comanche Nation and a doctor of podiatry volunteered his medical services at Dallas’ Urban Inter-Tribal Center, ultimately becoming the CEO. His passion was helping the Native American community with their struggle against diabetes and sustaining their health and mobility.

Ron White, a prominent Dallas attorney and outspoken advocate for civil rights.

Future Inspiring Women and Future Men of Action

Two young men and two young women (ages 14 to 21) were nominated by members of the community and were selected to receive this community service-based award.  These four recipients are

Ariana Luterman
Noely Rangel
Biko McMillan
Graham Rose


swjc-2015-gil-pic2A Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to Gil Elan, President and CEO of SWJC who uses his expertise as a Middle East analyst to educate the community on Israel, the Middle East, and U.S. Israel relations.



SWJC is a Dallas-based non profit 501 (c) (3) dedicated to educating the community and celebrating diversity.

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