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Finding Me Time

We asked local moms, “What do you consider ‘me’ time?” 

And here’s what they said…

Pokeno-Group“Finding me time, now there’s a funny thought.  Me time usually happens between 5:30 am-5:33 am, when I’m slurping down my first tumbler of coffee to give me some caffeine courage to tackle the day!  I couldn’t do all these jobs alone, if it wasn’t for my neighborhood support group, called Pokeno.  One thing I will clear my calendar for (and I mean CLEAR) is monthly Pokeno. This is the ultimate me time with all my other favorites ‘Me’s’ in the neighborhood.  We are kind of a ‘Type A’ group, so the night is really all about me, so to speak. If you have never played Pokeno, it’s all about stealing as many $15 gifts as you can from your dear, diva neighbor, in the most Southern way, of course.  The more stealing, the louder and more obnoxious we get. It feels really good!  In a sense, it’s spiritual and retail therapy rolled up into one cute gift bag.  You’d think this group of Moms would never talk again, but really that’s the whole point. Finding time for me and all my nutty neighbors is why it’s so important to connect with the ones you love unconditionally! Truly, Pokeno can make you rich; even if you leave empty handed, you will have a full heart, full belly and a full night of laughs!”

Carie McAfee, mom of a daughter, 16 and son, 18

Book-Club_Blakely“Me time?  What is that? 

I believe the first me time I can remember successfully carving out started after baby number four, 17 years ago! I had tried exercising in front of videos, but basically I was working all the time and had too much mommy guilt to leave the kids for anything for myself. But one day while breastfeeding, I discovered reading—for pleasure! This clever multi-tasking concept allowed me to read part of a novel with each feeding, which turned into an anticipated oasis in my hectic day.  Ten years ago, I co-founded a book club with some other Type A moms, and we are still going strong, meeting once a month over wine and dinner to share wit and wisdom and some ‘girl time’ therapy too.”

Dr. Katie Blakely, anesthesiologist, mom of 4 boys aged 17 to 27.

Finding-Me-Time---Kim-Brown“On any given Friday, you’ll find me at The Artists’ Showplace.

I don’t consider myself an artist, but I do like playing with paint. My three hours in art class are relaxing—almost meditative. I don’t paint at home…too many distractions, not to mention the guilt. How can I paint a picture when there’s laundry to do, a dishwasher to unload and the endless chirping of my cell phone? To me, painting at home means walls, cabinets and doors! But when I go to my weekly art class, it’s all about watercolors, acrylics and alcohol inks. A delightful change of pace! And on Friday evenings, you can find me proudly showing my family my latest work of art!”

Kim Brown, GLF Advertising Manager, mom of a daughter in college and a graduating high school senior son


“To end my day, I enjoy reading a good book.  I also like to create family scrapbooks, and I try to take a weekend trip to scrapbook with friends every year.”

Lisa Schumacher, preschool Office Manager and PTSO President, JPII High School, mom of 2 teenagers


Finding-Me-Time-Ann-Mer“Time with my girlfriends in any capacity—Girls’ Night Out, mani-pedi, Mahjongg, happy hours, walks, etc.—give me the opportunity to recharge, count my blessings and be the best mom and wife possible.”

Ann Myer, Office Manager, mother of 16-year old twins


WineGlass“No matter what is on my schedule, I carve out time each day for yoga. It balances me mentally by clearing my head of life’s stresses, and it brings me balance physically by keeping me limber, strong and toned.  Taking this time for myself sets the tone for a better day and makes me a calmer mom and wife.  Oh, and a glass of wine with my friends is pretty great, too!”

Beth Thompson, flight attendant, volunteer and mom of two sons, 16 and 18


“Me time:  I wish I could say working out…but for me it is definitely making time for lunch and dinner with girlfriends.  I also get up early and spend some alone time (between 5 am and 6 am).  While everyone is sleeping, I can have a couple of hours of coffee and quiet.  Sometimes I will read, cruise social media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) or just take time to play some games on my phone.”

Tina Borden, PTA volunteer and mother of 2 (daughter in high school, son in college)

Finding-Me-Time---Teresa“For me I play Mahjongg, do yoga, walk, color, Jazzercise…all these things together help me find my balance.  Laughter with friends, using my mind, moving my body and being creative are the most important things I can do for myself. I like to smile often, laugh a lot and always remind myself how blessed I am.”

Teresa Niermeyer, empty nester, mother of 2 (one college graduate and one in college at Saint Louis University)





Finding-Me-Time---Debbie-Rose-copy“I have taken up yoga. I find yoga and a soak in a bath with a good book the perfect way to refresh and reset myself.”

Debbie Rose, empty nester, wife and mother of 2 sons in college






“I enjoy my morning walks with a friend.  Not only do I get exercise, but I also am able to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors and a little time to talk out life’s issues with a trusted friend.”

Jennifer Gibson, nurse and PTA volunteer, mother of three—a high school senior, one in college and one in the work force. And a new grandmother!!


ManiPedi“I set a daily alarm on my phone and stop what I am doing and read a devotional.  I also love mani-pedis with friends.”

Rhonda Wulz, mother of 4, ages 26, 23, and 20-year old twins

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