Tweens Teens & TwentiesExperts Tips on How to Help Teens Listen to Yougoodlifefamilyadmin02/10/202202/10/2022 by goodlifefamilyadmin02/10/202202/10/202201431By Cheryl Maguire The moment my voice emits sound I can see my twin teens’ eyes glaze over. Sometimes they must register at least one
Good To Know Tweens Teens & TwentiesExpert Tips to Better Communication with Your Teengoodlifefamilyadmin10/21/202110/21/2021 by goodlifefamilyadmin10/21/202110/21/202101164By Cheryl Maguire Do you feel connected to your teen? My teens are always wearing noise-canceling headphones, which makes it a struggle just to communicate.
Tweens Teens & TwentiesWays to Improve Parent and Teen Communicationgoodlifefamilyadmin09/29/202109/29/2021 by goodlifefamilyadmin09/29/202109/29/202101356By Cheryl Maguire “Mom please stop interrogating me.” My daughter says this to me more often than I care to admit. I ask a lot