Good HealthPositive Peer Pressure: How Friends Can Boost Happinessgoodlifefamilyadmin03/08/202303/08/2023 by goodlifefamilyadmin03/08/202303/08/20230441by Sandi Schwartz | Contributor We often hear about the many negative aspects of peer pressure and worry that our children’s friends could push them
Articles Tweens Teens & TwentiesPeer Pressure in the Age of Social Media and What Parents Can Do to Help Their Teensgoodlifefamilyadmin04/27/202104/27/2021 by goodlifefamilyadmin04/27/202104/27/202106437By Madeline Hammett How “fitting in” can lead to poor decision making for teenagers For generations teenagers have felt the need to conform to their
Articles Features Good To KnowTeen Drama: Even Good Kids Have Bad DaysSusan Sugerman01/05/201509/17/2017 by Susan Sugerman01/05/201509/17/201702881By: Susan Sugerman, Adolescent Medicine Physician | Contributor From the time our kids are born, we parents work tirelessly to love and protect them, knowing