The Family Place celebrated Partners Card 2019 at Southlake’s Premier Home Electronics and Appliance Retailer
By Tricia White
Dallas-based family violence agency, The Family Place held a Partners Card Soiree at Starpower in Southlake on October 1st to kick off this years Partners Card.
At Starpower, Partners Card Co-Chairs Nina Sachse and Stephanie Seay, along with Honorary Chair Robert Weatherly, mingled with more than 100 guests in attendance and browsed some of the interactive tech displays and fully functional kitchens inside the store. The evening was hosted by Michelle Davis, Tracie Davis, Kristen Gatlin, Julie Horn, Stacy Kristynik, Lori Norwood, Alexa Parra, and Jana Schleif. Guests enjoyed sips and bites while scoping out some of the giveaways at the event. Fashionable brands including Bandier, Swoozie’s, Christian Louboutin, Williams Sonoma, Mizzen + Main and Kendra Scott set up trendy pop-up shops inside the store. David Pidgeon, CEO of Starpower, and Pat Staudt, a representative from Partners Card presenting sponsor Bank of Texas, addressed the crowd thanking them for their support of The Family Place and encouraging everyone to purchase a Partners Card. Attendees left with goodies bags stuffed with donations from Partners Card retailers and a Good Life Family magazine.
Starpower, a premium home entertainment retailer, is a longtime supporter of The Family Place with all DFW locations participating in Partners Card. The Southlake Starpower showroom has hosted a Partners Card event for four years and the company has recently donated services and products to The Family Place’s newest shelter facility. The Southlake area has over 35 shops and restaurants offering generous discounts from October 25 – November 3, 2019 to Partners Card holders.
Customers who purchase a $70 Partners Card receive a 20% discount at retailers and a 10% discount at restaurants. Over 750 participants from all over the DFW metroplex will partner with The Family Place this fall. The Card is a direct donation to The Family Place and equates to providing one night of safety for a victim of family violence at the organization’s shelters,
The event has raised over $1 million for The Family Place in recent years, a goal the 2019 team plans to reach as they “Save Money & Save Lives!”
To buy a Partners Card or learn more please visit
The Family Place is at the forefront of its mission to empower victims of family violence by providing safe housing, counseling and skills that create independence while building community engagement and advocating for social change to stop family violence. The Family Place’s signature fundraiser, Partners Card, is a 10-day shopping and dining event that will run from Friday, October 25th to Sunday, November 3rd this fall. Customers purchase a Partners Card as a $70 donation to The Family Place to receive a 20% discount at retailers and a 10% discount at restaurants. Over 750 locations participate across the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. Over the past 26 years, the efforts have raised more than $19 million to help break the cycle of family violence in our community. One Partners Card provides one night of safety for a victim of family violence at The Family Place shelters. For more information on Partners Card call 214.443.7754 or visit