b'rpey ALISA L isa Arpey has always known she was calledmore strategically. when she was asked to come togiveback,buttheimpactshesmadeasIt all came together avolunteerisatestamenttoherdriveandback to American Airlines and become the companys determination to make a real difference. representative to various boards.Lisa didnt just want She credits her parents for instilling the importancetorepresentAmericansheknewthatshecould of philanthropy.I was raised by my parents to havemake a contribution, that she could be a real agent a personal challenge to give back and be a changeof change within the various organizations.I love agent in my community, Lisa says. From her daysmaking a difference, Lisa says, and so she worked to as a campus leader at the University of Michigansee how her connections at American Airlines could throughhertimeworkingatAmericanAirlineshelp outside groups.Each board position allowed inherearlycareerdays,shewascommittedtoher to see that being able to contribute and affect findingplaces,particularlyinthearts,whereshechange is a great leadership development tool, and a could volunteer her time.She took some time offgreat opportunity to promote an attitude of service.topursueherotherpassionculinaryartsandPromoting the arts was always her true passion. attendedcookingschoolinFrancefollowedbyaOver the years, Lisa has served on the boards of stint at the Four Seasons Hotel.She also becametheNationalCommitteeforthePerformingArts a mom of three children and saw that her biggestinWashington,DC;theDallasandFortWorth passionwasmotherhood.Alongtheway,sheSymphonies; the Dallas Museum of Art board; and continued to see her own potential, to define hertheAT&TPerformingArtsCenter.Andwhen priorities, and to realize that each new skill set couldshewasapproachedin2006byadiconLiener helphercontributebacktohercommunityevenTemerlin about helping to establish a film festival 56GoodLifeFamilyMag.comSEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2019'