b'LOOK! ITS FAMILY! ITS CAREER! ITS COMMUNITY! ITS SUPERMOM!by Alicia WanekMother. Professional. Volunteer. Philanthropist. Strong Woman.They may not be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound or run faster than a speeding bullet, but the three super ladies youll meet on the pages to follow have worked hard to figure out how to balance all the demands on their time while maintaining their own personal character.They are making a difference, not only through their tireless and selfless dedication to their communities but also by demonstrating that they can pave their own way.Our hats are off to them and to every woman whose fearless pursuit of her dreams is an inspiration to the next generation of strong women.In our new series, SUPERMOM!, wewill showcase the accomplishments of women making an impact at home, at work, and in the community. Readers can nominate someone (or themselves) by emailing Tricia White, Managing Editor, at tricia@goodlifefamilymag.com.CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE GoodLifeFamilyMag.comSEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 201953'