b'Dallas New HOLOCAUST AND HUMAN RIGHTS MUSEUM Offers History and HopeBy Alicia WanekWhen I lived in Germany in the 1990s, through different circumstances I visited the concentration camp at Dachau five times.The first time it happened to be on my birthday.It is overwhelming to try to absorb all that you see and feel there.Each subsequent visit I was able to focus more on the individual exhibits, and I felt like in some way I honored those who had perished there by reading the captions, by trying to understand the history, and by looking closely at the faces in the photos, imagining to which face the personal items collected and exhibited in a glass case may have belonged. Every year to this day, I think of Dachau on my birthday and think of those faces.Id like to think I would have been an upstander if I had been around during the Holocaust, but of course, I dont know for sure.My hope is that every visitor to the new Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum will be empowered to know how to stand up for others and to remember all those who didnt get to celebrate enough birthdays.D and awe-inspiring museums including onesfrom the past can encourage every visitor to make their own allas has reason to be proud of many amazing attractions. The city is home to a world-class zoo, the beauty of thecommitment to stand up for others. The museum refers to the Dallas Arboretum,upstanders,thosewhotakeactiontodefendthepowerless, that share the citys history at the Sixth Floor Museum, stunningversus the bystanders who do nothing, and it asks the visitor art at the Dallas Museum of Art and the Nasher Sculpture Center,to consider their own ethical and moral decisions in the face of groundbreakinginteractiveexhibitsatthePerotMuseumofinjustice.Nature and Science, and so many more.The citys newest museumThoughthemuseumsprimaryhistoricalfocusisonthe building will, no doubt, become another must-see attraction,Holocaust, which, by all that defines it, is disturbing and difficult but this one is likely to be the most thought-provoking. to see and experience, it also tries to bring humanity to a period When the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum openedmarked by the inhumane.Visitors can step into a refurbished the doors in September to its brand-new building and exhibits, itboxcar like those used to transport the Jews to concentration also hoped to launch a renewed commitment to see how lessonscamps, read written accounts, listen to audio recordings, and view The award recipients of the 2019 Every Child Has a Name project (L to R): Ashton Brown, Emma Derr, Veronica Ledezma, and Ethan Siao. To view their winning entries, go to goodLIFEfamilymag.com. 24GoodLifeFamilyMag.comNOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2019'