b"goodPOINT THE GOOD PEOPLE PEACE ON EARTHJOY IN YOUR LIFE atgoodLIFEfamilyExcitementisagreatandnecessarything;PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MARKETING TEAMwithoutitlifewouldn'tbecomplete.ButSheryl Lilly PidgeonMichael TinglinhappinessrealhappinessissomethingSheryl@goodlifefamilymag.comChief Marketing Officerentirelydifferent,atoncecalmerandmoreDirect: 214.476.8131Michael@goodlifefamilymag.comrewarding. So says Harvard-trained Ph.D. andMANAGING EDITOR Jaclyn Pidgeonlife coach, Martha Beck.Tricia WhiteMarketing Assistant Tricia@goodlifefamilymag.comJaxie@goodlifefamilymag.comTruejoy,shestates,lacksthewildupsDirect: 214.725.1981 anddownsofanexcitement-basedlife.It'sBill Brockapeacefullandscape,filledwithpeacefulFASHION & STYLE EDITORIT Specialist/VideographyElle Parks Bill@whiterockfilms.comthoughts and emotions. Indeed, it's so peacefulElle@goodlifefamilymag.com that, to our adrenaline-soaked culture, it looksSOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER rather plain. CREATIVE DIRECTOR Katherine IngramJennifer Melton Katherine@goodlifefamilymag.comThe older I get, the more I agree with this philosophy.I have oftenJennifer@goodlifefamilymag.com used the cake and frosting analogy with my kids, describing how lifeADVERTISING TEAMand relationships are like a cake: the foundation is the most essentialCOPY EDITORS Rebecca SaumellAudra GlidewellAdvertisingManager part, but cake is always better with some frosting.Finding the balanceTracy Graivier Bell Advertising@goodlifefamilymag.comis the tricky part.Too little frostingisunsatisfactory,WRITERS SALES TEAMLisa BeachNadia Loudonbutonthecontrary,tooKaryn Brodsky Nadia@goodlifefamilymag.commuchfrosting(whileKristin CicciarelliDirect: 214.226.3626For fast-acting relief,deliciousatthemoment)Barbara Glass Jan WilliamsElizabeth Lenartwill make you feel sick.Christa Melnyk Hines Jan@goodlifefamilymag.comtry slowing down.SohowdoweavoidDeb Silverthorn Direct: 214.808.6241-Lily Tomlin overindulginginthisageAlicia Wanek ofinstantgratification? After all, excitement is all aroundus,magnifiedbyJOIN OUR FAMILY!both the mainstream media and social medias never-ending stream of action and adventure.No wonder its difficult to instill peace inGood Life Family has opportunities for tenured our own lives, much less in the lives of our children.We live in a fast- Advertising Account Executives. For more information, paced and hectic world, and its tempting to jump head-on into theemail Tricia@goodlifefamilymag.com.fray.But theres something to be said for occasionally putting the pace of our lives on slow-mo and breathing in the joy all around us. ABOUT USThis holiday season, I wish you and yours the gifts of peace and joy.There are two things parents hope to give their children: roots and wings. And, plenty of cake with just the right amount of frosting. But its often hard to know if the decisions were making are the right ones, especially when the world is changing so quickly. Good Life Family is a resource - Sheryl for parents with kids tweens to twenties.Extensive and insightful content addresses the daily joys and struggles of LIVE. LEARN. LAUGH.(BREATHE!)REPEAT. finding a balance between kids and parents while keeping ourselves sane in the process. Youll meet inspiring women and men who have stared down lifes challenges, survived, and now are willing to share their journey with you.Good Life Family is committed to making a difference in the lives of our families, friends and communities as the go-to source.Were living, were learning, and most importantly, were laughing. We hope you will too. CONTACT USSUBSCRIBE FOR FREE:GoodLifeFamilyMag.com/subscribeADVERTISE:Advertising@goodlifefamilymag.comSUBMIT STORY IDEAS: Tricia@goodlifefamilymag.comGOOD LIFE FAMILY 3308 PRESTON ROAD, STE 350 PMB #113 PLANO, TX 75093 10GoodLifeFamilyMag.comNOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2019 goodLIFEfamilymag.com"