b'SLOW DOWN AND BREATHE By Amy Harberg, M.Ed., LPC, RPT, NCC | ContributorThese are unprecedented times; in a society where everyonearound the same time each day. Encourage the people in your is always so busy, we are being forced to slow down and stay athousehold and the people who you communicate with to do the home. same. Try to accomplish something each day, even if it is as trivial Sure, the situation is scary and uncertain, but this experienceas making your bed.also presents an unbelievable opportunity for us as a society: the opportunity to connect deeper with the people that we take forLIMIT THE NEWSgranted. We are social creatures and we crave human contact,There is a flood of information to digest right now from so many yetwemovesofastinourcurrentlivesthatwemissmanysources and its hard not to get sucked into the stories. Watching/opportunities to foster this basic need. Anxiety and depressionlistening to the news continuously keeps the fears current and have been on the rise for years. Social, academic and financialfresh in your brain throughout the day. Set limits for yourself and pressuresareatanall-timehighandalthoughmanypeoplethe other people in your house. Try to obtain facts from reliable express the desire to slow down, it unfortunately is a commonnews sources and then shut it off and take a break.belief that if you slow down then you are not doing enough. CONNECT WITH PEOPLEHumans are wired to connect. Being told to socially distance is challenging because human touch is one of our most basic SURE, THE SITUATION IS SCARY ANDinstincts. The way people choose to connect will look different for the time being. Check in regularly with the people under UNCERTAIN, BUT THIS EXPERIENCEyour roof, but also those you care about that arent in your house. Phone calls, FaceTime, and virtual conferences are all ways to stay ALSO PRESENTS AN UNBELIEVABLEin touch. Dont let yourself retreat to your bedroom and home office until the next meal. Take walks outside as a family and say OPPORTUNITY FOR US AS A SOCIETY: THEhi to neighbors but remember to keep proper physical distance.BE CREATIVE WITH YOUR ADDITIONAL TIMEOPPORTUNITY TO CONNECT DEEPER WITHThere are lots of things to do with newfound time. For example, this may be a great time to finish a project you havent previously THE PEOPLE THAT WE TAKE FOR GRANTED. had time to pursue. But, dont be hard on yourself if youre not motivated to write that novel or clean out the garage; you can play a board game, do a puzzle, have a conversation, take a walk, watch a movie or do a virtual yoga class. Dont be afraid to enjoy So, what is it like to be told to slow down, stay home and breathe?yourself for a few hours.Suddenly, we have parents working from home who have never had the opportunity to see their kids in the daylight hours. WeHAVE PATIENCEhave children sharing chores that have been done for them whilePracticingpatienceisaveryimportantpartofthisprocess. they were in school. We have families forced into spending timeTodays world is all about immediate gratification, but this is together because children of all ages are not running out to groupgoing to take some time to figure out.Just know, everyone is meetings, parties and play dates and parents have virtually noin this together. As time passes, things will ease. Schools and out-of-house commitments.businesses are already stepping up, offering online tools, delayed Thisisnteasy.Itisgoingtobeaprocess.Therearemanypayments and donating services to people who are panicked and sources out there offering guidance on ways to manage the extrain need. time we are suddenly facing and to help manage the anxiety being expressed by many. Here are some pointers that I wouldThis crisis will pass, though that may be hard to picture right encourage you to consider: now. In the meantime, take advantage of this opportunity to slow down, connect, practice patience and enjoy each other. MAINTAIN STRUCTUREFollowing a routine helps people navigate through anxious times. People are reporting that they feel a lack of control, and that canEditors Note: Amy Harberg is a Licensed Professional Counselor and trigger emotional discomfort. Getting proper sleep, nutrition andRegisteredPlayTherapist basedinDallas.Shecanbereachedat activity will help. Set a routine of going to bed and waking upHarbergcounseling.com.GoodLifeFamilyMag.comAPRIL 202025'