b'down, which is fine in small doses, but not ideal when we are stuckEmbrace your inner helper and give yourself and others a mental in the house for long periods of time. Movement and activity arehealth boost at the same time.not just important for our physical health but for our brain health as well. While working and studying at home, try to get up andDespite these measures, if you find yourself struggling excessively walk around once per hour. Set a reminder on your phone to helpwith stress, anxiety, depression or other problems, dont hesitate to you make it a daily habit in the coming weeks.seek help. We all need help dealing with lifes challenges at times, and everyone is vulnerable.YES, WASH YOUR HANDS, BUT ALSO USE THEM Hand-based activities are soothing and provide anxiety relief forEditors Note: Grant Halliburton Foundations Here For Texas Mental Health mostindividuals.Lookattheevidence:fidgetspinners,stressNavigation Line can help you find the right support for your situation. The balls, slime, putty and kinetic sand. Make time in your schedule,Mental Health Navigation Line is a free service that helps people get connected particularlywhenfeelingadditionalstress,toengageinhand- to resources that best fit their preferences and needs. The Navigation Line based activities such as knitting, quilting, fixing broken things,will remain open and is taking calls at 972-525-8181 MondayFriday from cooking, drawing, coloring, playing with LEGOs, or even painting10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Stephanie Avery is the Outreach and Education Manager your nails.for GHF where she plays a key role in the development and coordination of education programs.ROCK THOSE VIRTUAL CONNECTIONSDuringthistimeofself-quarantine,embraceyouronline community. While there are definite drawbacks to social mediaHOW TO FIND HELPandthevirtuallandscape,recenteventshaveilluminatedtheFor more information about anxiety, depression, suicide, and mental enormous benefits it can offer. Thanks to technology, we are able tohealth resources, we suggest: stay in touch despite being confined to our homes.From livestreamed concerts on Facebook and Instagram to GoogleGrant Halliburton Foundation hangouts,peoplearegettingcreativeinbuildingconnections.granthalliburton.orgThinkaboutcreativewaysyoucanstayintouchwithyour networkwhether hosting a digital Sunday supper with friends,(972) 744-9790sharing a cup of coffee via video conference, doing an online fitness class, or starting an online book or film club.National Institute of Mental Health nimh.nih.govREACH OUT FOR HELP (866) 615-6464Many mental health professionals are offering increased Telehealth options so people can get support from home. Grant HalliburtonNational Alliance on Mental IllnessFoundations Here For Texas Mental Health Navigation Line cannami.orghelp you find the right support for your situation. (214) 871-2420 The Mental Health Navigation Line is a free service that helpsMental Health Americapeople get connected to resources that best fit their preferences andnmha.orgneeds. The Navigation Line will remain open and is taking calls at(214) 871-2420972-525-8181 MondayFriday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.HUG A KITTEN (OR DOG, STUFFED ANIMAL, OR FAMILYHalf of Us MEMBER) halfofus.comEven if we are doing all we can to stay positive, the truth is this can be a scary, lonely time. Sometimes we just need a hug. PhysicalWhere to Find Helptouch and connection are core human needs, so be sure to putHere for Texas Mental Health Navigation Line (not a crisis line)your arms around someone or something at least once a day. Give(972) 525-8181yourself permission to be vulnerable and seek out warmth andM-F 10 AM6 PMcomfort. While were practicing social distancing, you can giveherefortexas.comfriends and others a virtual hug via email, phone or text.GIVE BACK National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Positivepsychologyandthescienceofhappinesshavecomea(800) 273TALK (800-273-8255)longway,andonethingthatpromotesouroverallwell-being isconductingactsofgenerosity.Itmayseemsurprising,butCrisis Text LinenumerousstudieshaveshowngivingtoothersleadstomoreText HELP to 741741happiness than receiving from others. crisistextline.orgAs food pantries face shortages and workers in the service and artsThe Trevor Project Helpline for LGBTQ+ Youth and entertainment industries lose income, now is a great time to(866) 488-7386find ways you can contribute to the community. Giving back can give a sense of inspiration, purpose, and a feeling of belonging.thetrevorproject.org22GoodLifeFamilyMag.comAPRIL 2020'