b'A Commitment to Exemplary ServicePerformancePartnersGroupwouldliketo welcome Amanda Glass to the team! Amanda is a life-long resident of Plano and has strong ties to her community. In 2018, Amanda was recognizedasPlanoISDsTeacherofthe Year for Hedgcoxe Elementary.Attention to every detail and a determination to provide first-class service make us as unique as the individuals we represent. - The Performance Partners GroupPERFORMANCE PARTNERS GROUPPassion.Pursuit.Performance.Elizabeth Ritch RE/MAX Dallas Suburbs Ann OBlenesPartner 972.208.9200 | facebook.com/RealtyPerformancePartners Partner Smilesto lifetim\x17lastaGet Beautiful, Natural ResultsDR. SHANDON M. COLTER AND DR. JACQUELINE S. BRADYCosmetic DentistryPorcelain Veneers AcceptingImplant RestorationFixed BridgesCrowns (Caps) NewComposite FillingsIn-Office WhiteningDigital X-RaysGeneral Dentistry PatientsMake an appointment todaywell give you a reason to smile!5408 Alpha Road | Dallas, TX 75240 | 972-386-6200 | www.northdallasfamilydental.com'