46 GoodLifeFamilyMag.com SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2018 says, “In Texas, a parent or other adult can be held criminally responsible if a child gains access to an improperly secured gun and injures him or herself or others. If the injury is serious or deadly, the possible penalty can be prison time. I have not had a case where a parent was charged, but I agree that responsible gun ownership is imperative.” The summer after my second-grade year, one of my classmates was accidentally shot and killed by his older brother, also a student at our school. The family left our area soon after. As a child, I often wondered how guilty the older brother must have felt for being responsible for Brett’s death. As an adult, I realize the ones who likely suffered from agonizing guilt were his parents for not having secured that weapon in a safe place away from young children. There’s really no excuse not to keep guns locked, unloaded and away from kids. Judge Roach reminds us, “Gun safety should not be a political issue. Whether you agree with gun laws is irrelevant.” This is just about responsible parenting. For more information on family fire and proper gun storage visit www.endfamilyfire.org. THE BRADY CENTER TO PREVENT GUN VIOLENCE MAKES THE FOLLOWING SUGGESTIONS TO GUN OWNERS: 1 | Never Together. Always store your gun separate from its ammunition. 2 | Why risk it? Use a gun lock. Ensure it is the right size and style for your firearm. 3 | Safe Storage. Store your gun in an inaccessible place, under lock and key. 4 | Talk. Teach. Repeat. Discuss gun safety with your family. 5 | Consider alternative home security measures such as alarm systems, security cameras or a guard dog.