16 GoodLifeFamilyMag.com SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2018 A s a Temperament Therapist and Life Strategist, I have worked with multiple clients desiring a “quick fix” or an easy solution to reach a desired goal.   Unfortunately, excuses soon follow once we discuss the effort and steps required to reach their desired goals. Whether this message is verbally communicated or subliminally expressed, they are not ready to do what it takes to pursue their desired outcome. • I can’t change because I haven’t in the past.   • I don’t feel equipped to accomplish my goals.  • There's no hope for change because I am stuck.  Change is always possible if you are a willing participant who is ready to develop a very important muscle. Your “decision making muscle.” Strengthening this “muscle” will help you listen, learn, and follow through towards your goal. You will notice an internal LIFE 10 Steps to Transforming your by Dr. Melanie Ross Mills | Contributor