b'ForeverYOUNGWHETHER ITS PHILANTHROPY, MEANINGFUL WORK, OR LOVE OF FAMILY, THESE MAXOLDER ADULTS HAVE FOUND THAT THEIR PASSIONS KEEP THEM YOUNG AT HEART.By Deb Silverthornprovided to TWU graduate students.Chandler DykesPhoto Credit: Kristina BowmanGet a good education, and no one can take that awayfromyou,Virginiarecallshergrandmother saying.An alumna ofTWUs graduate occupational therapy program and former director of the Occupa-tional and Recreational Therapy Department at Bay-lor University Medical Center, Virginias always been inspired by those words.At 89, she remains passion-ate about helping students achieve their dreams. VirginiaandherlatehusbandRolandcreated theVirginia Chandler Dykes Leadership Luncheon atwhichscholarshipsandaleadershipawardare presented. The couple alsohelped establish TWUs Fanny B. Vanderkooi Endowed Lectureshipfor the School of Occupational Therapy, which led to the Vir-ginia Chandler Dykes endowed scholarship.The scholarship fund was such a success that a friend suggested we do something to honor clinicians and community leaders, who are creating a greater awareness and helping more students, said Virginia.Beyond supporting education, Virginias time and resources have been shared with multiple organiza-VIRGINIAVirginia Chandler Dykes, the 89-year-old known fortions including the Dallas Opera, the Dallas Arbore-her philanthropy and leadership, says, Enabling youngtums Womens Council and the Fort Worth Opera.people to reach their dreams has always been a joy. The mother of three sons and grandmother to twins, Virginia treasures her family and relishes time spent Leadership is one of the best lessons one can pro- with them.vide,andmanyTexasWomansUniversitygradu- Setting the example of education first, Virginia be-ate students have benefited from Virginia Chandlerlieves enabling young people to reach their dreams Dykesnot only from her leadership but also fromhas always been a joy. Without a doubt, education is her mentorship and philanthropy. Because of her vi- one of the most important investments we can make sion,more than $700,000 in scholarships have beenin our countrys people and its future.34GoodLifeFamilyMag.comMAY | JUNE 2019'