b'PERSONALITY TYPES ANDPARENTINGTHINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN YOU AND YOUR CHILD HAVE DIFFERENT PERSONALITIESBy Deborah W. Dobbs | ContributorH owdopersonalitytypesaffectourrelationshipsnight-out on her own. As a tween, she went off to a week-long with our children? We dont have to dig in to all 16camp out of state and had a blast, despite not knowing a single Myers-Briggs personality types or complete a DISCsoul there. Ive often stood in awe of her ability to charge into assessmenttoexplorethis.Wecanfocusonintroversion/ the unknown. I see incredible bravery, but to her, diving into extroversionandnotesignificantinfluencesonparentingadventures comes naturally. styles.Every personality type offers unique strengths. Redtri.com These aspects of our personality type involve much more thanfrom Founder Leah R. Singer is loaded with tips for parenting preferences regarding social interactions. Long-term studiesyoungerchildrenwhileconsideringpersonalitytypes.For haverevealedthatthebrainsofintrovertsandextrovertsinstance, its important to understand that entering an ocean respond differently to new stimuli and rewards. You can learnofpeopleisstressfulforanintrovert.Thatstressiseasily lots of fascinating facts about these differences in Susan Cainsavoidedifyouarriveearlytogroupevents,likebirthday book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Cant Stopparties or meet-the-teacher nights. Your introvert child isnt Talking.awkwardorpathologicallyshy.Shesimplyassessesan Parenting offers plenty of challenges, and those challengesenvironment before stepping into it. (Introverts tend to take increase when parents and children have different personalityfewer risks and evaluate options before acting.) When it comes types. Im an introvert, and my daughter revealed she was anto learning, it helps when an introvert parent understands that unabashed extrovert when she was just a toddler. If she saw ahis extrovert child will struggle with homework if forced to do stranger having a birthday party at McDonalds, shed join in.it in complete silence. What is distracting to an introvert might One year while strolling along at the State Fair, my daughterfoster learning in an extrovert. Allow some background music followed an enthusiastic voice coming over a loud speaker.or a more stimulating study area.Next thing I knew, she was holding a first prize trophy afterPersonality types also impact quality time. When you want competing in a Pee Wee Rodeo. She attended many a parents- qualitytimewithyourteen,itsimportanttoenterhisor 18GoodLifeFamilyMag.comMAY | JUNE 2019'