26 GoodLifeFamilyMag.com SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2017 Action Packed Fall Line Up 9THINGS NOTTO BE MISSEDTHIS FALL 1GATEWAYTO OPPORTUNITY LUNCHEON September7at11:30am FeaturingKeynoteSpeakerLauraW.Bush HOTTICKET!NotonlydoyougettoheartheFirstLadyoftheUnitedStates(2001- 2009), Laura Bush, share her passion for human rights, literacy and education, but also all funds raised benefit Family Gateway, the nonprofit organization foundedbyMayorAnnetteG.Straussin1986,togivestabilityandlife-changing supportiveservicestochildrenandfamiliesaffectedbyhomelessness. Where:OmniHotelDallas Cost:Ticketsstartat$300 Moreinfo:www.familygateway.org/events 2OKTOBERFEST ATWATTERS CREEK September8–September10 Put on your lederhosen, raise your beer steins and say“prost” (cheers)! It’s time for Oktoberfest fun and festivities at Watters Creek at Montgomery Farm in Allen presented along withThe Lion & Crown Pub and the Allen Arts Alliance. Enjoy 18 different styles of Oktoberfest beers and offerings from local craft breweries along with live music, DJ, vendors and festive activities! In addition to a stein hoisting, traditional keg tapping and live music, German dancers dressed in authentic German garb will perform Saturday and Sunday. You will also find pretzels,potatocakesandbratwurst.OnSaturdayandSunday,atentonVillage Green Drive will feature local craft breweries. Every hour, representatives from different breweries will be on hand to educate people about their beer.“Prost,” indeed! Where:WattersCreekatMontgomeryFarm,US75atBethany Cost:FreeAdmission.Foodandbeveragemerchantsacceptcashorcreditcards.Free Parking. MoreInfo:www.watterscreek.comor972.747.8000 3PLANO BALLOON FESTIVAL September22–September24 Fullofhotair…inagoodway. Thisyearmarks38yearsofballooninginPlano. Join in the celebration at the InTouch Credit Union Plano Balloon Festival, a spectacular three-day event featuring entertainment, Saturday evening spectacular fireworks show, sky divers, an enormous variety of food to tempt your taste buds and of course, the incredible hot air balloons.The balloons will launch Friday at 6pm, Saturday at 7am and 6pm, and Sunday at 7am and 6pm (weatherpermitting). Where:OakPointPark 2801E.SpringCreekParkway Cost:$5forone-timeentry|$1OffforSenior's65andover Moreinfo: www.planoballoonfest.org 4TEXAS STATE FAIR September29–October22 Toss your diet out the window and prepare to celebrate decades of decadence and all things Texan–agriculture, education, music and more. Sure, there’s a killer Midway, a legendaryTX-OU rivalry game and a gargantuan Ferris wheel, but what we really come for is the food.This year’s BigTex Choice Awards fare includes Deep Fried Froot Loops, Beer Battered Beef Jerky and Deep Fried ChickenNoodleSoupOnAStick(wekidyounot). LauraW. Bush Oktoberfest atWatters Creek Plano Balloon Festival Texas State Fair