16 GoodLifeFamilyMag.com SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2017 9 STEPS TO YOUR PERSONAL GAME PLAN Your Personal Game Plan Iled a group a few years ago on the topic of contentment. One woman asked a question that’s never left me. An emotionally charged “Beth” said, “I want to lose weight, but you’re telling me that I should be content?” I kindly replied, “It’s a true gift to be content, but this is very different from being complacent.” Beth sat in silence as she pondered my reply. Her tone of voice softened and she replied as if an “ah-ha” moment had occurred, “My complacency is what’s gotten me here.” As a group, we continued to discuss the process of making positive changes in our lives, the importance of identifying potential roadblocks, and the value in taking action steps to reach our goals. I concluded by stating, “A discontent person can either be driven or stuck. Their discontent will drive them to pursue goals or they’ll be paralyzed by their focus on the negativity of their discontent. A content person (not a complacent person) is at peace, experiencing gratefulness, celebrating progress, and feeling secure to pursue goals and aspirations. Therein lies the gift of contentment.” Each of us has personal motivations for wanting to accomplish short-term or lasting change, fulfill personal goals and experience progress in our lives. In order for this to occur we must implement a game plan. Our personal game plan provides us vision for what’s to come and the steps to get there. Whether it’s changing a habit, starting a non-profit, losing weight, getting a degree, or being more friendly to strangers, reaching your goal is possible with a plan. 9 STEPS TO CHANGING YOUR LIFE by Dr. Melanie Ross Mills / Contributor ASK YOURSELF: WHY DO I DESIRE THIS GOAL? WHY AM I WILLING TO MAKE DIFFICULT CHOICES IN ORDER TO OBTAIN MY GOAL? YOUR “WHY” WILL BE YOUR MOTIVATING FACTOR, YOUR ANCHOR.