Paige McCoy Smith

Paige McCoy Smith – Television Personality/Radio Host Paige McCoy Smith is a television personality, radio host and professional speaker who has entertained and educated audiences with content that resonates with the "not so perfect" side of life. She is a regular on WFAA’s Good Morning Texas and her radio show, 'The Not So Perfect Parent' airs on 103.7 FM each Sunday, 7 to 8 AM. Paige has made a name for herself being a real and relatable mom that gives women the freedom to be who they are: perfectly imperfect. As Paige says, "It's not about being perfect. It's about being real. Let's stumble on this journey together."

Gotta Have Girlfriends

Good Morning Texas’ Paige McCoy Smith shares her Girlfriend Goals. My marriage nearly ended before it began. The problem? Girlfriends! I’m not talking about his former flings – I’m talking about MY girlfriends. My husband had an issue with how much time I spent with my friends and resented the…

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