Coronavirus—COVID 19

Is My Child Depressed?

By Vanita Halliburton | Contributor We’ve all heard the saying, “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.”  Even though we know better, we sometimes let ourselves believe that other families are faring better in the child-rearing department than we are. We can convince ourselves that…

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woman smiling standing in front of chalkboard

Grant Halliburton Foundation Postpones Meetings and Events but Here For Texas Mental Health Hotline Remains Open

By Kevin Hall | President, Grant Halliburton Foundation Grant Halliburton Foundation takes the health and well-being of our community seriously and is continuing to monitor the situation as it relates to the coronavirus (COVID-19). In light of the current recommendations from the CDC, we are canceling or postponing the following events: • Coffee Days: Meetings canceled through…

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