Give Thanks and ‘Let It Be’

HAPPY THANKSGIVING vector typography card with maple leaves in fall colors

by Sheryl Lilly Pidgeon | Editor-In-Chief/Founder

The holiday season reminds us to slow down the pace, let go of our daily stresses, and reflect on the bounty we have in our children, our families and our friends.

I especially love Thanksgiving. The very foundation of the holiday is a concept rooted in gratitude and giving back.  It’s also a universal holiday, open to all to focus on what’s good and right in our lives and to congregate to give thanks. Toss in some green bean casserole and a glass of Chardonnay, and now we’re really talking! But Thanksgiving is most special to me because my loved ones gather from near and far, casting aside our daily hectic lives to just “Be.”

Many years ago Paul McCartney was asked the story behind his song, “Let It Be.”  He shared that his late mother Mary came to him in a dream whispering those wise words of comfort, of hope and of peace. A simple yet profound message.

And when the night is cloudy there is still a light that shines on me
Shinin’ until tomorrow, let it be

Let It Be lyrics ©Sony

The holiday season reminds us to slow down the pace a bit and just Be. Yes, I know, it’s not easy to let go of our daily stresses, and it’s true that there is a very long list of things to do.  But, when we think of the bounty we have in our children, our families and our friends, the rest can wait.

On behalf of all of us at Good Life Family, we thank you for being a part of our “family” and wish you a holiday filled with love, laughter and memories to cherish for a lifetime.

Live. Learn. Laugh. (Let It Be!) Repeat.


There are two things parents hope to give their children: roots and wings. But it’s often hard to know if the decisions we’re making are the right ones, especially when the world is changing so quickly. Good Life Family is a resource for parents with kids tweens to twenties. Good Life Family will help navigate the challenges of raising good kids — kids who will find their own paths to happiness. Extensive and insightful content will address the daily joys and struggles of finding a balance between kids and parents while keeping ourselves sane in the process.

Good Life Family also celebrates parents who are making a difference in their families, their communities, and to those in need. You’ll meet inspiring women and men who have stared down life’s challenges, survived, and now are willing to share their journey with you.

Good Life Family is committed to making a difference in the lives of our families, friends and communities as the go-to source.

We’re living, we’re learning, and most important, we’re laughing. We hope you will too. 

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