Can We Talk?

Women have come together to express their views or for voting. Girls from different cultures and activities are talking about something. Cooperation and partnership concept. Vector illustration

By Sheryl Lilly Pidgeon | Publisher and Editor-In-Chief

I’m often asked why I started this magazine.  It’s not a short answer, as proven at a recent meeting with a prospective advertiser that ended up with us becoming fast friends over a 4-hour talk-a-thon.  We shared our complicated childhoods, our optimistic mindset, our ability to meet adversity head on, our passion to create a stable and joy-filled life for our children, and our gratitude to have the wherewithal to reach out and grab the good in life.

As a child I was taught to be seen but not heard.  That was the way it was.  Interestingly enough, I grew up in Northampton, Massachusetts, a mere mile from Smith College and a stone’s throw from a myriad of some of the most progressive learning institutions in the world.  But at home it was “old school.”  Keep your head down, work hard, be home by dark. Eat everything on your plate. Don’t question authority. Don’t get noticed.

I eventually found my voice via a turbulent journey, which involved a gutsy move at age 15 to live with my dad in Houston, a few stellar therapists, a journalism degree from UT Austin and a roller coaster of a career ride in advertising, PR, and marketing. Much to the chagrin of many a friend, I have not stopped talking since.  

Great conversationalists like Barbara Walters, Oprah Winfrey, and Ellen DeGeneres blazed the trail for open communication.  We all have something to say, and we like to be heard.  Talking is a two-way street at the intersection of ‘Listen’ and ‘Learn.’  As a parent, spouse, daughter, friend, advocate, and fellow human, I’ve realized that our stories—our history—matter, and those narratives inspire and transform lives. 

Ultimately, that’s why I publish Good Life Family.  I want us all to keep talking. Keep sharing.  Keep leaning in. Keep finding catharsis in our stories of inspiration, encouragement, and redemption.

We are a small publication, but we have the biggest of hearts.  Our skeleton crew works tirelessly to deliver a product that we are proud to bring you.  No one is getting rich here. Here, the wealth comes with knowing that what we do matters. It is an honor and privilege to deliver and Good Life Family Weekly to our readers.   

If you are a GLF advertising partner, we thank you for taking this journey with us. 

We know there are bigger venues for you to reach your target audience, but we assure you no one is more committed to telling your story.

Advertise with us, become a sponsor, write for us. Tell your friends about us. Keep us talking. Join Our Family.

– Sheryl

Live. Learn. Laugh. (Let’s Talk!)  Repeat.

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