Grant Halliburton Foundation Launches Young Professionals Group with Council Announcement and Networking Event 

By Juliette Coulter | Contributor

Grant Halliburton Foundation celebrated the launch of its inaugural Young Professionals organization (GHP YP) on August 25 hosted at the foundation’s new office at Pegasus Park. 

In the leadership photo pictured above:

Top L to R: Bradley Haynes, Membership Co-chair; Katie Witte, Membership Co-chair; John Boerger, Social Events Co-chair; Kyah Nichols, Vice President; Sarah Cornelia, Spring Event Co-chair

Bottom L to R: Maribel Morales, Marketing Co-chair; Kelsey Cameron, President; Anna Montgomery, Marketing Co-chair; Olivia Strader, Secretary

The Grant Halliburton Foundation Young Professionals organization is a personal and professional development organization for DFW-area young professionals in their 20s and 30s seeking to positively impact their community. GHF YP is a home for the next generation of philanthropists to learn and grow while also supporting the organization’s work to advocate for stronger mental health education and suicide prevention in North Texas. 

2022-23 GHF YP Leadership Council is led by Kelsey Cameron: President; Kyah Nichols: Vice President; Olivia Strader: Secretary; Andy Weis: Treasurer; John Boerger and Molly Grace Brown: Social Event Chairs; Katie Witte and Bradley Haynes: Membership Chairs; Maribel Morales and Anna Montgomery: Marketing Chairs; Michelle Schwarz, Emily Sandler and Sarah Cornelia: Spring Event Chairs.

Kelsey Cameron remarked, “This is the moment for our generation to really make an impact in mental health and to help each other. The ability to interact in person is especially important for mental health, so we hope to foster connections through our variety of events and opportunities.”

This remarkable organization offers young professionals the opportunity to support their community while networking, attending social events and professional development seminars, sharing their talents through volunteer opportunities and receiving special sponsorship rates at Grant Halliburton fundraising events. Dues range from $25 to $500 annually. 

For more information or to join GHF YP, visit

About Grant Halliburton Foundation

Grant Halliburton Foundation was established in 2006 in memory of a Dallas teen who battled depression and bipolar disorder for several years before his suicide death at the age of 19. The Foundation that bears his name works to help families and young people recognize the signs of mental illness through a variety of avenues including education, conferences, collaboration and encouragement. Since 2006, the Foundation has provided mental health education, training, and support to more than 250,000 students, educators, parents, and professionals. The Foundation also offers Here For Texas, which includes and the Here For Texas Mental Health Navigation Line. These free community tools aim to offer easy access for North Texans seeking mental health and addiction information and resources. More information can be found at

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