Happy 2019

By Sheryl Pidgeon | Publisher & Founder, Good Life Family Magazine

Because I’m happy 

Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof

Because I’m happy

Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth

Because I’m happy

Clap along if you know what happiness is to you

Because I’m happy

Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do

Who doesn’t feel a skip in their step when they hear Pharrell William’s song, “Happy”? Much to the chagrin of my kids, when I hear it I often break into my best dance moves reminiscent of Elaine from Seinfeld. 

We regularly wish our family and friends happy birthday, happy new year, etc.  We want happiness for ourselves and others. So, why is happiness so elusive for some? Why do some of us see the cup as half full and others see it as half empty? 

In his syndicated talk show, The Happiness Hour, and in his best-selling book, Happiness is a Serious Problem, Dennis Prager, whose insightful prose also appears on goodLIFEfamilymag.com, shares that happiness isn’t just a value—it’s a moral obligation. His philosophy is that happiness not only makes us better people, but it also has an effect on the lives of everyone around us—providing them with a positive environment in which to thrive and be happy themselves.

Achieving that happiness won’t be easy, though. According to Prager, it requires a continuing process of counting your blessings and giving up any expectations that life is supposed to be wonderful. Prager argues that too many people today see themselves as victims; he submits that the only way to achieve your desires is to take responsibility for your life rather than blaming others.

There are people around us who suffer with depression and mental illness; these are obstacles to a different degree.  And we all know those who have suffered unimaginable losses and challenges and have found the fortitude to persevere.  These courageous people somehow dig their way out of the deepest, darkest valleys and find a silver lining.  They exemplify Prager’s point.  Instead of feeling cheated by life, they find a catharsis to happiness by doing something that will positively impact those around them. People like these are the reason we have our Very Inspiring Parent (VIP) Award, which honors those whose tenacity, integrity and courage motivate others to exemplify the same character and put their families and community first.

My dad says I was born with a smile on my face.  I guess I knew I had something to be happy about. As we embark on our 5th year publishing Good Life Family, I’m happy to be able to share stories of those who inspire, enlighten and embolden.  I’m happy to be surrounded by associates and clients who share this passionate journey. I’m happy to have remarkable friendships, some dating back more than four decades.  And, above all, I’m happy to count my blessings for my incredible family who make me want to dance each and every day. Now that’s something to clap about.


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