Lessons in Love

When I was 17 years old my dad gave me the book, Love is Letting Go of Fear.  I’d been having a tough time coping with family issues, school and life in general.  Looking back, I realize that most teens are struggling with “issues,” but back then I felt pretty isolated.  I was wary of self-help books, but I had recently figured out that my father actually knew some stuff, so I thought I’d give it a whirl.

The author, Dr. Gerald G. Jampolsky, boiled life down to two emotions: love and fear.  Love, he says, is our natural inheritance, but our minds manufacture fear.  The theory postulates that if you let go of fear then only love remains. This “Attitudinal Healing” concept was cutting edge back then – as was my dad’s revolutionary 40 lb. car phone and 6-foot tall quadrophonic speakers in our sunken living room with orange shag carpet.  Letting go of fear seemed just as hip.

The Weight Watchers program my dad and I joined that same summer made sense too:  eat balanced, low fat, proportioned foods and monitor transformation with weekly support meetings.  And, like Jampolsky’s concepts, the principles stuck.  I’ve used the tools I learned in that guide book and over our 3-month Weight Watchers stint throughout my entire life.  But, it turns out, just because you know HOW TO do it does not mean you DO it.  Staying the course is not easy.  Life can be difficult.  And I love carbs.

How do we stay the course when life throws us daily curveballs, chaos and upheaval? How do we cope with the “issues” and teach our children to do better than we did so they can carry the torch to future generations?

When I launched GLF over 7 years ago, I did it filled with love – love of family, friends and community. I’m surrounded by the most dedicated team of people I have ever worked with, and I have never worked harder. I am in awe of the passion of our advisory board and the experts who provide information to educate and inspire us. I am grateful to our advertising partners and sponsors who are committed to help us continue this journey.  Life is not easy.  But we are committed to staying the course.


Live.Learn.Laugh.(LOVE!) Repeat.

P.S. I’m feeling the need for a refresher course in Jampolsky’s Lesson 10 which proposes that thoughts of peace lead to a peaceful mind.  Turns out I could use a refresher in dieting too. Who wants to go to Weight Watchers with me?

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