This is my favorite time of the year. I love the majesty of the season — the music, the lights and particularly the food. Give me an inch of a reason, and I’ll go a mile to celebrate the season!
Many years ago Paul McCartney was asked the story behind his song, “Let It Be.” He shared that his late mother Mary came to him in a dream whispering those wise words of comfort, of hope and of peace. A simple yet profound message.
The holiday season reminds us to slow down the pace a bit and just Be. Yes, I know, it’s not easy to let go of our daily stresses, and it’s true that there is a very long list of things to do. But, when we think of the bounty we have in our children, our families and our friends, the rest can wait.
This issue of GLF is filled with advice, ideas and inspiration to help us all soak in the joy of the season, to create the memories we will cherish, and to consider the legacy we will ultimately leave behind.
Thank you for sharing this journey and for letting us be a part of your life.
Live. Learn. Laugh. (Let It Be!) Repeat.