Don’t Let Mosquitoes Take a Bite Out of Your Outdoor Fun

Mosquito bites can be more than just a pesky, itchy spot. West Nile Virus and the Zika Virus are just two of the mosquito-borne diseases that are dominating the news.

“Our children’s friends pretty much lived in our backyard  because it wasn’t overrun with mosquitoes.  We love being the gathering spot for neighborhood get-togethers, and I want my clients to have that same feeling.”

– Mark Kellner, owner of Texas Mosquito Control, on why he is passionate about his automatic misting systems

Some means of mosquito control is essential if you want to improve the comfort of your family and protect them from disease during the summer months.  Here are a few quick tips for reducing your risk of contracting West Nile Virus. Preventing mosquito bites is the best way to avoid being infected with the West Nile Virus; so, remember the Four Ds: Drain, Dusk/Dawn, Dress, and DEET.

DRAIN standing water in your yard and neighborhood. Standing water can be found in swimming pools that are not kept clean, ponds, pet watering dishes, birdbaths, potted plants, old tires, empty containers, toys, and clogged rain gutters.

DUSK & DAWN are the times of day you should stay indoors while mosquitoes are most active.

DRESS in long-sleeved shirts and wear long pants when you are outside.  Wear white or light colors, as dark colors attract insects.  Spray thin clothing with insect repellent. Avoid flowery perfumes to keep from being mistaken for nectar in a flower.

DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide) is an important ingredient to look for when you buy insect repellent.  If you want to avoid the chemicals, try oil of lemon eucalyptus or another chemical-free repellent.

Source: ABCNews.Com

Consider Installing an Automatic Misting System

A highly effective mosquito control for your yard is an automated mosquito misting system. The system sprays a fine mist on and under the foliage around your yard from a number of nozzles set around your property, fed from containers that automatically operate at timed intervals when mosquitoes tend to be active: early morning, dusk, and evening, creating a perimeter that is deadly to these insects and other flying pests.

Get a Homeowner’s Mosquito Control Checklist from the City of Dallas at

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