Race for the Community

Whether you’re trying to accomplish a New Year’s resolution, get in better shape, or walk for a cause, we’ve got you covered with this list of ten upcoming races in the area.

by Savannah Peer | Digital Manager

  1. Heart and Soul 5k & 1M Fun Run– The event will be lots of fun, family-friendly, and will include a great finisher’s item for all participants. There will be breakfast, live music, and a kid’s area complete with a bounce house, face painters and balloon artists! Proceeds benefit Dallas CASA. For more information, check out http://www.ascdallas.com/2016-heart-sole-5k/
  2. Officer Down 5k & Community Day in Plano– The Officers Down 5K celebrates officers who put their lives on the line daily to keep our communities safe and honor those who have fallen in the line of duty. While officers give to the community on a daily basis, it is now our time to give back. Benefiting Officer Down Memorial Page (ODMP.org). Also, check out the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/events/921545091268419
  3. Leap of Faith 5k– Our Mission: To motivate you to go for whatever you have wanted to do! Set and achieve your goals, live regret free by following your dreams, and allow this event be the pivotal moment that inspires you to go from a Dreamer to a Doer. Check out more about the race on http://www.leapoffaithrun.com
  4. Get Your Rear In Gear 5k– Register for Get Your Rear in Gear – Fort Worth, a 5K Run/Walk and Kids’ Fun Run to help raise funds for colon cancer awareness efforts in the Fort Worth-area. Money raised will stay in our community to encourage screening and education for the nation’s No. 2 cancer killer. Check out the race website at http://www.coloncancercoalition.org/fortworth.
  5. Faith Over Fear Manda Strong 5k or 1M– Faith over Fear 5k benefits the Manda Strong Organization. Proceeds support families with children battling cancer. The run will be on March 5th, 2016 at Cooper Fitness in McKinney. For more information, visit http://faithoverfear5k.itsyourrace.com
  6. Run of the Irish in Plano, TX– Run for the Irish will feature not only a great St. Patrick’s Day celebration, but you will get an event shirt, a finisher medal for everyone, free finish line photo and finisher certificate, and a timed 5k with great awards. Join the party afterwards! The race will take place in the Shops at Legacy. Check out the website and register at http://www.runoftheirish.com/details/
  7. Dallas Easter Run on March 26– The Dallas Easter Run, benefiting The Last Well, has brought a unique event to Downtown Dallas by presenting an exclusive 4-Mile & 1-Mile course through historic Downtown districts. Following the race, runners can partake in kid’s activities & a complimentary hot breakfast you won’t want to miss. Get the details at http://www.dallaseasterrun.com
  8. DRC Tal Morrison Classic 15k/5k– After the race, the Tal Morrison Scholarship Fund (TMSF), primarily funded by the Dallas Running Club, will present college scholarships to six Dallas high school runners. For more info on the race, visit https://www.dallasrunningclub.com/club_races
  9. Scholarship Dash in Richardson, TX– Join us, Saturday April 9th 2016, on the UTD (University of Texas at Dallas) Richardson, TX Campus for an exciting, nonprofit 5K and Fun Run including awards, free t-shirts, free breakfast by Desperado’s Catering, refreshments, entertainment, music and door prizes. Check out the website to register at http://www.scholarshipdash.org
  10. Your Next Step is The Cure Dallas 5k– Your Next Step is the Cure events raise much-needed funds for the patient services and clinical research projects of the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation, but they also provide fun, family-friendly activities, including a kid’s dash, music, 5K event awards and more. https://dallas2016.yournextstepisthecure.org

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