Giving Hope to the Homeless

Dallas is a world class city, yet tonight an estimated 5,000 children and their families will not have a safe place to sleep.

by Tricia White | Managing Editor

Founded in 1986 by then Mayor Annette G. Strauss, Family Gateway has served homeless families for nearly 30 years. In addition to providing safe and stable housing as well as comprehensive case management, Family Gateway works alongside partner agencies to deliver a wide range of services to its clients, including mental and physical health care, employment readiness, job training, GED preparation classes, afterschool programs and more.

The Goss-Michael Foundation hosted the 2015 Gateway to Opportunity Sponsor Party honoring the host committee, sponsors, and 2015 volunteer award recipients.

The  November 5th luncheon will feature Judge Glenda Hatchett, a nationally recognized authority on juvenile and social issues and outspoken advocate for children everywhere. The luncheon will raise awareness of juvenile issues and critically needed funds that will help to end child homelessness in our community. Event Chairs are Rich Moses and Selwyn Rayzor. Serving as Honorary Chair is Ruth Sharp Altshuler.



Represented by Ken Harcrow

Gateway-SuperShuttleFor benefiting Family Gateway at Sparkle!, which allowed kids in their program to receive new toys for Christmas, adopting three rooms at the Center, and always being a phone call away when buses or vans  were needed to transport kids on field trips.




Northway Christian Church

Represented by Sharon Gardner, Samantha Durst, Connie True

Gateway-Northway-Christian-ChurchFor adopting two rooms at the Center, donating hygiene and laundry products, giving a monetary gift to help with the Center’s renovation as well as always being committed to volunteering by serving meals, planning special art activities with the kids, and hosting the annual Boo Bash.




North Dallas Bank & Trust Co. 

Represented by Landa Shaw and Allen Hudson

Gateway-North-Dallas-Bank-&-Tust-CoFor adopting a room at the Center and a family at Christmas, as well as giving a huge amount of in-kind donations such as back-to-school uniforms, winter wear, and summer games for our kids.




Cullen Corr

Gateway---Cullen-CorrFor donating a $10,000 check to launch Family Gateway’s Education Endowment at the Education is Key event this summer, raising funds for the Center’s teen room, organizing volunteer projects such as tutoring, KHK 5K run, Boo Bash, and donating a new van to the agency through Kids Helping Kids.




Sarah & Robert Shields (not pictured)

For adopting four rooms at the Center, providing monetary donations so kids could go on summer field trips, donating Christmas gifts, being dedicated Guild Members and hosting Q Clothier suit drive to ensure fathers have proper attire for job interviews.

Photo credit: Howard Taper

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