Transforming Your Dorm Room into Your Home Away From Home
At a time when you really need a welcoming environment that feeds your creativity and offers a sanctuary from the stresses of big life changes, the typical dorm room is a notoriously small, drab utilitarian space that leaves little room for personal expression. Until now, that is. Here are some organizational and design tips for transforming your space into a workable place.

backdrop using 12” X 12” sheets of scrapbook paper. Their room was voted “Best Decorated”.

• If the college allows, consider lofting the beds off the ground to create livable space underneath.
“Since she had more floor space, we brought a small side table with drawers and a slim chest of drawers (4’ tall). She also brought a butterfly chair she could relax in more than just the desk chair supplied.”
• Use shelf paper in all the drawers to create a clean surface for their belongings and an easy clean up when you move out.
“Paige thought we were crazy sending her with a wireless internet router and printer; it was a big hit. She was the last stop most of her friends made on the way to class so they didn’t have to go out of the dorm to print assignments!”