Spotlight on Light Farms

At LIGHT FARMS in Celina, part of the master plan includes a commitment to healthy living.

by Tricia White | Managing Editor


Beginning March 21st, families in and around Prosper, Frisco and Celina can partake in a new Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program that will offer local, organic produce delivered each week to Light Farms. The CSA is the pet project of Holistic Nutritionist Leslie Typrin, a Northern California transplant who moved to the Light Farms community in Celina last year. Typrin, a former caterer and environmental scientist, became ensconced in holistic nutrition for personal reasons which included postpartum depression and digestive issues. It was at her son’s preschool that she discovered a local organic CSA program.

“Having realized the difference I personally felt while eating real foods that were not highly processed and had been grown without the use of pesticides or chemicals, I became obsessed with making this a convenience for everyone,”  said Typrin. “I believe everyone can benefit from eating food that is grown with sustainable and organic methods and comes directly from the farm. We are blessed here in Texas because there are many small producers and growers of ‘real food’ that make their products available to consumers through farmers markets and food cooperative drop off points.  Buying locally grown food means that the food spends less time in transit and doesn’t sit in cold storage or on grocery store shelves.  The food retains its nutritional mineral value and content, we produce less of a carbon footprint for delivering it, and we are supporting our local economy,” she says. “It becomes a win for the consumers, a win for the local farms, and a win for the environment.”

Typrin thinks that the biggest stumbling block to eating this way is a lack of time to research and shop for these healthier foods. “It is about ease and convenience of getting the food from the farms to the people who want to eat it and making the process of maintaining a healthy diet simple. We are very lucky at Light Farms to have a development group like Republic Property Group (RPG) that supports and encourages its residents to live a healthy lifestyle.”

Working closely with Republic Property Group’s Travis Selcer and Stephanie Liebbe, Typrin has made her personal mission a reality for those in and around her community.   Via Johnson’s Backyard Garden (, organic, locally grown foods will be delivered right to Light Farms each Saturday from 9 to 12 pm. Residents and anyone in the surrounding communities of Celina, Prosper, and Frisco can sign up to receive from one to four ‘shares’ of the farms organic produce. The shares range in price from $22-$40. In addition to the CSA, Typrin is helping residents launch a Holistic Food Cooperative and other educational opportunities at Light Farms. “We will offer classes and workshops to support a healthy lifestyle and our residents’ overall well-being. It really is an exciting time to be part of the Light Farms community as a resident and also to have this amazing chance to work with RPG on the future direction of health and wellness at Light Farms.”


“Light Farms is a community that celebrates the natural and agricultural history of Celina. It’s all about the people, the neighbors here.”

– Travis Selcer, Republic Property Group


“We are very lucky at Light Farms to have a development group like RPG that supports and encourages its residents to live a healthy lifestyle.”

Leslie Typrin


Farm Stand Kick-Off Celebration at Light Farms

Saturday, March 21st 9-12pm

Swing by the Farm Stand for the CSA Kick-Off! Join Johnson’s Backyard Garden and enjoy family fun while snagging locally grown, organic produce.

Learn about the Lights Farms and other community events at

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