Building a Home Gym is a Snap

Building a Home Gym is a Snap with Busybody and Fitness HQ

Sure, home gyms are great for avoiding driving to a club and paying membership fees. But there’s another motivation behind the transformation of basements, garages, and spare bedrooms into home fitness centers: They’ve become a way to gather family members for healthy activity that everyone can enjoy.


“We are seeing more and more clients who are creating a home gym for the entire family,” says Craig Lewin, owner of Fitness HQ and Busy Body stores. “Not only is it a fun way to spend family time, it’s also a way to set a good example for your kids that fitness is both fun and essential.”

And, home gyms need not take up a huge amount of space nor be extravagant. Lewin says he can create a great home gym with two core pieces of equipment, one for cardio (like the Life Fitness X1) and one that emphasizes strength training (like the Hoist MI6). “These two items work as a package to create an economical and effective gym. You can fit both pieces in an 8’ X 8’ room and have plenty of room to spare,” says Lewin.

Fitness HQ also carries quality pre-owned or refurbished home gyms. Ready to turn in the one you have? They also offer consignment programs and accept trade-ins. To ensure their clients learn how to use their new equipment, Fitness HQ has an unequalled “gift-with-purchase” program – a personal trainer from Hut Allred’s New Wave Fitness is sent to the customer’s home for a complimentary training session! “Each member of the family may need a completely different training program, and these two products can accommodate most of those needs,” says Lewin. “But you won’t get fit if you don’t use the equipment properly and are not motivated to make the changes to your overall lifestyle.”

Of course, some home gyms include state-of-the-art sound systems and televisions, and some clients have extra luxury items like a sauna or steam room, adding to the overall experience and often to the home’s resale value as well. One-third of new and potential home buyers list a home gym as essential or desirable, according to the National Association of Home Builders.

Sales associates at Fitness HQ and Busy Body are all health and wellness specialists whose advice is based on years of expertise. Many staffers have worked for the company more than 20 years. Just walk into any of their locations and experience the personal attention firsthand.

Lewin knows a thing or two about tenure. He started working for the company as a cashier when he was 16, worked in sales for their store in Austin while attending the University of Texas, by-passed medical school to build his lifelong career with the company, and ultimately became a co-owner with Karen Glanger and Gary Glanger.

“I love what I do. Our passion for helping people is the biggest difference between us and companies that just want to close a sale. We are not afraid to tell the customer what they need. We get to know them and give our advice. We are all about helping people get what is right for them so they can look better and feel better.” 



Fitness HQ/Busy Body Co-Owner, Craig Lewin (left) with Hut Allred.

To ensure their clients learn how to use their new equipment, Fitness HQ and Busy Body have an unequalled “gift-with-purchase” program – a personal trainer from Hut Allred’s New Wave Fitness is sent to the customer’s home for a complimentary training session. “We want to make sure our clients get maximum results,” says Lewin.

“We are all about helping people get what is right for them so they can look better and feel better.”

– Craig Lewin, Co-Owner, Fitness HQ and Busy Body Fitness


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X1 Elliptical Cross-Trainer 

The X1 offers unparalleled quality, a fluid total-body motion, and the patented Link6 elliptical drive system that delivers an incredibly natural, comfortable stride to make it easier to reach your workout goals. It is one of the most robust and well-built cross trainers on the market…a very quiet and smooth cross-trainer.”

– Best

“Family fitness is a great way to spend quality time together.   Even if you just go for a walk. You’d be surprised at the great conversations you can have while doing something great for your hearts.”

-Debbie Breihan, personal trainer and mom of three teens (Pictured here on the X1 Elliptical)






The Hoist Mi6

The unique and stylish Mi6 is a personal pulley gym that is engineered to build multiple muscle groups through smooth, rhythmic, and continuous movements that support the body. It is designed specifically to fit perfectly into a corner. “The cool thing is that the gym conforms to you rather than you conforming to it, and you are less prone to injury because you do more reps with less weight,” says Lewin.

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