Jump Start your Healthy New Year’s Resolutions with a Home Gym from Busy Body Fitness

Had too much holiday cheer? Jump Start your Healthy New Year’s Resolutions with a Home Gym from Busy Body Fitness!

You’ve thought about it. The idea of a home gym has crossed your mind each New Year, when the resolution-minded masses swarm your fitness club. So what’s stopping you?

Home gyms are good in theory, but all too often investments in exercise equipment fail to produce dividends. Gary Glanger, owner of Dallas-based exercise equipment retailer Busy Body Fitness and Fitness HQ has spent the past 25 years learning how to help health enthusiasts unlock the value of a home gym.

“The biggest mistake people make when purchasing home exercise equipment is not first developing a workout plan. In our twelve DFW stores, we have the largest selection of equipment of any retailer in the nation with price points ranging from entry level to top of the line. However, for clients to be happy with their home gym, they need to understand how the equipment will help them reach their exercise goals,” said Glanger. Therefore, Busy Body only employs sales associates that are fitness specialists and then takes it to the next level by offering customized individual fitness programs by Glanger’s “ace-in-the-hole” – well-known personal trainer, Hut Allred, owner of New Wave Fitness.

“Hut and his team of professional trainers help our clients attain their fitness goals. Too many people purchase a home gym with good intentions but soon give in to what they perceive as drudgery of exercise. In reality, they probably purchased the wrong equipment and set out on the wrong path from the start.”

Glanger also touts the benefits of a long-term relationship with Busy Body. “Health and fitness goals evolve. To help unlock the value of a home gym, clients work with us on a regular basis to ensure their equipment stays well matched to their fitness goals.”

One thing that isn’t an issue, though, is space.   The right fitness specialists, like those at Busy Body, can help you design a gym that can fit anywhere.

The biggest benefit of a home gym is convenience,” says personal trainer Allred, who also authored How To Get Maximum Results In Minimum Time From Your New Home Fitness Equipment. “A home gym is never closed, plus you don’t have to deal with commercial gyms’ restrictions, other people’s germs or limited access to equipment.” 

Says Allred, “By taking professional advice and investing in high-quality equipment, your in-home gym will last years, if not a lifetime.”


The one piece of equipment you need to check out!

Busy-Body_ZeroRunner (1)

The Zero Runner is for people who want to train more efficiently, run faster and avoid injuries. This one-of-a-kind running machine replicates real running but with zero impact, which helps you train for your next race or just establish a solid indoor cardio routine. Plus it’s super quiet because it’s self-powered and requires no electricity to operate. It also has a cross-training kit and many other nifty features.

“The Octane Fitness ZR7 is a dynamic elliptical trainer that provides you a great run, no matter what the weather…. It’s also a mobile-friendly unit, with the option to watch and read from two different locations.”

– Elliptical Reviews.com

Check it out at BusyBodyTx.Com or go by any of the seven Busy Body DFW locations to ‘test drive’ it yourself.

Have tips for our readers on health & fitness? Email Tricia@goodlifefamilymag.com

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