Good Life Family

Pop the Cork!

Who doesn’t love a celebration? But make no mistake – a celebration is most rewarding after plenty of hard work and determination; and the tougher the task at hand, the sweeter the success.  Now, as we toast to our upcoming 10th anniversary, the GLF team and I look back with a lot…

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Can We Talk?

By Sheryl Pidgeon | Publisher and Editor-In-Chief I’m often asked why I started this magazine.  It’s not a short answer, as proven at a recent meeting with a prospective advertiser that ended up with us becoming fast friends over a 4-hour talk-a-thon.  We shared our complicated childhoods, our optimistic mindset, our…

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Keep Calm and Summer On

Yeah, I know, it’s hot. Steamy in fact. But I love the summer.  When my kids were in elementary school, the end-of-year pool party, followed by a mom/kid getaway, clearly marked the transition from school year to summer vacation. Class schedules, homework and school dress code became sleeping in, game…

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